Faces of Graffiti


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Valokuvaaja ja psykoterapeutti Caroline Jensen matkusti seitsemän vuoden ajan Tukholman ja New Yorkin välillä, valokuvaten graffititaiteilijoita.

Faces of Graffiti esittelee intiimejä henkilökuvia taiteilijoista, joiden kanssa Jensen on muodostanut syvän ja henkilökohtaisen suhteen.

Valokuvat: Caroline Jensen
Kieli: englanti
Sivuja: 80
Koko: 30 x 20 cm
Kansi: kovakantinen
Julkaisu: 15.9.2021, Dokument Press

Voima tilasi pienen satsin Dokument Pressin tuotteita myyntiin. Dokument Press on kustantamo, jonka juuret ovat ruotsalaisessa hip hop -liikkeessä. Tutustu muihin meillä myynnissä oleviin tuotteisiin täällä.

HUOM! Hintaan lisätään postituskulut. Haluaisitko tilata samoilla toimituskuluilla muutakin graffitiaiheista kirjallisuutta Voimakaupasta?


For seven years, photographer and psychotherapist Caroline Jensen has traveled back and forth between Stockholm and New York to photograph graffiti writers.

Faces of Graffiti shows intimate portraits of writers that Caroline Jensen has established a deep and personal connection with.

The book portrays New York graffiti pioneers who began writing in the late 1960s, writers who grabbed the baton and established graffiti in Stockholm in the 1980s, and younger writers who have further developed the graphic design of graffiti.

To understand how graffiti affects writers’ lives, Caroline Jensen asked them about their driving forces. Rooted in her work as a psychotherapist, she reflects on self-development and the role graffiti plays in the lives of the writers.

Charmin 65, Nic 707, Riff 170, Rubin, Snake 1, Kaos, Shiro and Taki 183 are some of the artists portrayed in the book, accompanied by images of their graffiti art.

Caroline Jensen is a photographer based in Sweden with the world as her field. She is also a licensed psychotherapist with her own practice for twenty-two years. She combines her two professions with a deep interest in the process of change. Dokument Press has previously published her book Room for Therapy.

“Page after page after page, this book is the photographic art book of the year. If you have little knowledge about this art form this is the ultimate platform to see its beauty and energy. This book shows the passion, unique style, creativity and expression of some of today’s most talented aerosol artists.” – James TOP

  • Photography: Caroline Jensen
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 80
  • Size: 30×20 cm
  • Cover: Hardback
  • Release date: 2021-09-15
  • ISBN: 9789188369666